Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I seriously don't understand how Laura and I have accumulated so much crap in our place. You wouldn't think too much would fit into a condo, but we've already taken three truck loads of crap up to Tulsa, and we've been packing for the last few days, and there's still so much stuff! Next time we move, I think I'll just get rid of everything and buy new stuff when we get to wherever our new will be. Oh, wait, I'm in medical school, not law school, so I still won't be making jack when I get out.
As a side note, I have to take step one of the United States Medical Licensing Exam in four weeks. I have four weeks to master two years of med school. AND I'm going to Portland in the middle of it.
To top it off, I just spilled coffee on my crotch. Awesome.

1 comment:

Zach said...

Good. I hate your crotch. And it's not an uninformed hate. Believe me. I'm veeeery informed.
