Thursday, May 8, 2008

You know you're an Oklahoman if, ...

when the tornado sirens are going off, and the weathermen say there is a tornado a mile from your house, you run outside in hopes of seeing it. I know what you are thinking- "Oh Josh, you are so brave/awesome/foolish/sexual/pasty-white/Republican/valiant." But I want you to know that first, I don't think there was a real tornado. I think there was strong winds that some guy in a car four miles away thought was a "rain-wrapped funnel." I also put on my amazing new rain jacket that Laura bought me that, when they found my mangled body among uprooted trees, would have kept my torso dry. A dry torso is very important. Anyway, this "tornado" was right over Keith's apartment, but unfortunately he's still around to be Debbie Downer next weekend.

You also know you're an Oklahoman if you copy an old Jeff Foxworthy joke in hopes of being funny.

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