Friday, January 11, 2008

Honesty screws you every time

Today I had a mock interview with a fake patient at medical school. I left out one little section of a half hour interview. I remembered this section literally two steps out of the door at the end of the interview, and cracked up because, well, that's the story of my life. Anyway, when I come back in for the fake patient to tell me how I did, I start off by admitting my error and telling her this whole story of remembering just a little too late.
"Oh, thank you," she says, "I had just given you full credit, but I'll make sure to mark that down and change it."
Being a "good Christian" or just being stupid? Sometimes the line just can't be drawn.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Home again

After an unbelievable Christmas, we're finally home. There really is nothing like coming home after a long vacation in Tulsa/Oregon. Oh wait, there is- stepping in dog crap. I hate Oklahoma City.

And I'm sick.