Thursday, March 6, 2008

Why I hate lawyers

Besides Zach Herbert's existence, malpractice suits, and three year degree programs, I hate lawyers because of ethics. We have to take this ethics class at school, and today's topic was end of life care. Of course, Oregon and its Christ-like allowance for doctor-assisted suicide came up. Now instead of allowing us to have a meaningful discussion, this lawyer/preceptor decides to talk about her stupid dog. She talks for fifteen minutes about how she loves her dog as much as her grandchildren, but the dog has a huge tumor on its bladder. After droning on and on about spending thousands of dollars on its treatment, she ends with this quote-
"It was a great relief just knowing that euthanasia was always an option for my dog. Isn't it weird that euthanasia is an option for treatment in dogs, but it's not an option for humans?"

You've got to be kidding me.


Carl Zoch said...

I would have paid money to watch your reaction. Large bills.

Zach said...

fuckin ethics a thorn in every doctor's side, and a cool seven-figure settlement in every lawyer's pocket.