Monday, August 4, 2008

My day in Hell

So my morning starts off (at 4:45) with me interviewing a patient, and this was the conversation:
"Hi, my name is Josh Reese. I'm a medical student here to check up on you."
"Hi, I'm the Anti-Christ."
Apparently this is how he always introduces himself, and after dispensing with these formalities we had a normal interview.
Next, I head to the ICU, because that's where my rotation is this week. While there, I get to see an 18 year old kid who had jumped off a cliff into a lake. The kid wasn't stupid, and he made sure there were no rocks or stumps, and that the water was deep enough. For some reason, though, when he jumped in, he hit the water funny, and shattered his spine, bled into his brain, and stayed underwater for 7 minutes. So, they resuscitate the kid just so we can watch him die in the ICU.
Right before it's time for me to come home, I get a page on the infamous Trauma Pager. It described the incoming case as a 17 year old girl in a car wreck who was unresponsive. At the end of the page, in the "extra info" section, there was this pearl of poetic verbiage- "Head is mushy." No kidding, that's what it said. And you know what? They weren't lying either.
Meanwhile, as an update to my previous blog, the older gang-banger who got shot in the face is doing quite well except for a mandible the radiologist described as "pulverized."
And now, more than 14 hours later, I'm just getting home in time to eat dinner and go to bed, so I can start this all over again tomorrow.


Carl Zoch said...

do you still love your life?

Zach said...

Do you still love my life?

Oh, and, just like a scrubs episode!

sewvandervort said...

Wow that is intense!