Friday, December 7, 2007

Calm before the storm

Today was one of those overcast and cool days when that heavy fog is almost, but not quite, a mist and when that persistent Oklahoma wind is still for once. I live for these days. I seriously wake up every morning and hope that it's like this outside. And yet, when this day comes, I can't go outside and enjoy it. Instead, I sit huddled and unkempt in my room, poring over virology and pharmacology. In those brief moments when I am able to venture outside, I just stand, dumbfounded, like someone on the coast who can only sit and watch while a hurricane blows in. I know that after tonight it will be almost a week before I get a full night's sleep, stop that incessant flow of caffeine into my body, or do anything other than stare at endless medical jargon. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, but I still hate test block week.

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