Tuesday, March 17, 2009

And so it begins...

Sunday was a very busy day for me. First, I moved my home-brewed beer over to a secondary fermenter. I had this idea of brewing beer a couple of months ago, and it went something like this: "Well, I've made wine and I'm aging some whiskey, what other alcohol can I make?" and of course beer was next on the list. Since I've never brewed beer before, and it seemed like a fairly complicated process (which equals a high likelihood I'll screw it up), I decided to scale down the operation. A typical recipe makes 6 gallons of beer. That's a heck of a lot of beer, especially if it's messed up and makes you go blind. So I decided to scale it down to a single gallon and test it out. There are two problems already with this idea- first, it reduces the ingredients to an obscenely small scale, and second, I didn't have Laura double check my math. Nevertheless, I persevered and will have about ten bottles of beer just in time for the Crawfish Boil.

Second, and more the reason for the title, I also started a new batch of wine. This current batch is Pinot Noir. I'm excited, because this is our favorite wine, and it's normally pretty expensive in the stores. My fermenting it myself, it comes out to about 3 bucks a bottle. I'm also excited because I got to use smoked oak chips in the fermentation, which should be mind-blowing. Anyway, the thing about making your own wine is that it gets better with age. With our Reisling that we made before, it had to age at least three months. With a red like this Pinot, it has to age a minimum of six months, and should be aged about nine months. So, we'll probably break out our first bottle around Christmas. Be there. It'll be awesome.


Laura R said...

Wow, your wife must be awesome to support, and enjoy, these home-brewing endeavors.

Anonymous said...

dang, how enterprising and pretentious of you! that's awesome! :)

p.s. my word verification is butee (booty)!! haha.

RTQ said...

Hey...remember that one time when you measured dorsal rods for Mrs. Lubas' class...and you cut them all like 1/4 of what they should have been...then we spent the rest of the night gluing the sticks back together...

Thesis: video tape your first sip of this "beer" and put it on the blog.

p.s. my word verification is grabor (Grab Her). A bit more creepy...