Monday, January 26, 2009

Adelaide at 5 months

We've finally taken more pictures of Adelaide. We're kind of failing at this whole obsessive dog owners thing. To make up for it, I think we'll get some custom t-shirts made with Ada's picture on them. Anyway, here are some before and after shots of Adelaide at 2 mo. and 5 mo.
For the rest of the new pictures, you can look on Facebook.

Overheard in the Hospital

Last night in the doctors' work area:

-Resident talking on the phone stops suddenly, and after a long pause-
"Is that my patient coding in the background?"

I love this place.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Have a cold one for Jesus

I don't talk much about our church, but this is a great story I can't leave untold. Actually, it's two stories.

First, just before Thanksgiving, our pastor told a story in one of his sermons. This is the gist of it: A guy's wife's family likes to drink beer. This guy has always been told that alcohol is of the devil, so he doesn't drink, and so becomes the odd man out during Thanksgiving. He tells the pastor, who asks if he's a recovering alcoholic and if he likes beer. The guy answers no and yes, and so the pastor tell him to have a beer and Thanksgiving and see what happens. The guy comes back and tells a great story about how he had a single beer, and the whole family instantly warmed up to him because they no longer saw him as being "holier than thou." So that's an unbelievable story to hear from the pulpit in the first place, but here's the benediction at the end of the service: Go in His peace, and have a cold one for Jesus. Amazing.

Second, today our pastor goes off on a tangent about drinking. He says, "Listen, I'm from Wisconsin, and I like beer. I like wine too, but I like beer." He goes on to talk about how crazy the South is about alcohol. He says, "You know, the same verses that talk about drunkenness also talk about gluttony, but nobody here ever talks about how bad it is to throw back a ton of fried chicken. And on top of that, no person's solution to gluttony has ever been to stop eating. The solution is moderation. And that is why I'll still drink beer."

It's so great to hear stuff like this come from the pulpit. At the same time, though, I'm disappointed that the church (at least here in the Bible Belt) is so ridiculous, and that I get so excited to hear a pastor endorse drinking in moderation. It seems so adolescent sometimes. Nevertheless, I appreciate so much that my pastor has the balls to say this stuff. It makes Sundays okay again.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The greatest niece ever

This is why my niece is the greatest:
1. She gets excited about watching old 60's Godzilla movies with me.
2. When she sits at the piano, she always sings this song: "Josh, Josh, Joooooooooosssshhh!"
3. She ends that song with "Ta-da!"
4. She's smaller than my dog, but still makes Adelaide sit.
5. She's the only person who makes a bigger mess than me when she eats.
6. She has a doll that she named Baby Naked Butt.

Friday, January 9, 2009

AIDS is so lame

So this guy comes in with AIDS, and it's to the point where he has no immune system. Now, sometimes I exaggerate, but in this case I am not. He seriously had no immune system. When you don't have an immune system, you get all kinds of really crazy diseases, and this guy had some crazy kind of pneumonia. Also, when you don't have an immune system, antibiotics are, as my resident explained, like "pissing in the wind." So, we basically watch this guy slowly die over the past few days, and we can't do anything about it. And that is why AIDS is so lame.

On a brighter note, Adelaide is nearing 50 pounds already. Hopefully we'll have some new pictures up pretty soon.